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There will be a deposit required to hold your place in the workshop.



How much is the deposit, and when is the remainder due?

- 1500, 1000 of which is fully refundable if you cancel before sept 1. Remainder is due sept 1.

What happens if inclement weather prevents a significant portion (or all) of the workshop from occurring? What happens if one or both models are unable to attend?
- that's why we have a guide who does this for a living for major TV shows. He'll have back up locations. Both models have confirmed 100%

What sort of lodging/accommodations can be expected?
- I'll have more info on that soon, but nice hotels for sure, though there will be 2 people to a room to keep costs down. Your own room can be arranged for a small fee

How much time will be allocated to free shooting vs workshop/education time? How will time with the models be allocated/arranged?
- We will have 3-4 hours in each location, a minimum of one hour of free shooting per location for each model, so 2 hours total per location. Each model will have 3 students max per grouping.

When and where should airfare be arranged to? Is there going to be a shuttle from the airport to lodging? Any other info around this would help a lot; I like to have a good handle on what to expect in advance if possible.
- Keflavik airport, flying in on the morning of the 5th or earlier, though you will be responsible for lodging if you come earlier or stay longer, of course.

There will be a shuttle bus if we can get everyone in a couple of time slots, otherwise there's an easy airport shuttle to Reykjavik, where you will be met.